Useful links
- Environment Agency
- Fenland District Council
- Huntingdonshire District Council
- Borough of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk
- East Cambridgeshire District Council
- South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Peterborough City Council
- Cambridgeshire County Council - Flood and Water
- Norfolk County County - Flood and Water Safety
- Water Resouces East
- The Great Fen
Address & Contact Details
Middle Level Commissioners
Middle Level Offices
85 Whittlesey Road
Cambs PE15 0AH
Tel: +44(0)1354 653232
In the event that you would wish to make a complaint, details on how to do so can be found here:
Complaints Procedure
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:30am - 4:30pm
Closed weekends and bank holidays
News item from meeting – 03/05/2018
The Commissioners set a rate of 0.25p in the £.
Mr Roger Manchett was re-appointed Chairman.
News item from meeting – 01/05/2018
A rate of 26.0p in the £ was set.
Mr Brian Burling was re-appointed Chairman. Mr Leslie Cook was appointed Vice-Chairman.
News item from meeting – 01/05/2018
The following rates were set:-
Area 1 – 25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.
Messrs Jonathon Brown and Michael Mottram were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.
It was resolved to invite Miss Emma Alterton and Mr Paul Hayes to fill the two vacancies on the Board, if willing to do so.
News item from meeting – 26/04/2018
A rate of 26p in the £ was set.
News item from meeting – 26/04/2018
The Commissioners set a rate of 37.0p in the £.
Mr Michael Church and Mr Gareth Wilson were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
News item from meeting – 24/04/2018
Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mr George West, a Commissioner of the former Ladus DDC, who died on the 18th October 2017.
A rate of 6.50p in the £ was set.
News item from meeting – 23/04/2018
Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mr Roger Martin who died on the 18th February 2018.
A rate of 24.0p in the £ was set.
Messrs Steve Calton and Leigh Marshall were re-appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.
It was resolved to co-opt Alan Martin to fill the vacancy in the membership of the Board in Electoral District No. 3 and it was reported that either Dan or Brian Burling would fill the vacancy in the membership of the Board in Electoral District No. 2.
News item from meeting – 10/04/2018
The Commissioners set a rate of 3.50p in the £.
Messrs Roger Jones and Geoff Hopkin were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
Mr Tony Hopkin was re-appointed as District Officer.
Fee Checker
We are pleased to advise that to assist developers and their agents we have added a fee checker spreadsheet to our consents page. This is a handy aid to check what fees are likely to be due for consent applications for various byelaw related matters.
News item from meeting – 21/03/2018
A rate of 22p in the £ was set.
Mr Roger Means was re-appointed Chairman.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Christopher Crofts who was attending his first meeting of the Board.