The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.

Following the resignation of the Chairman, Mr Michael Mottram was appointed Chairman.   Mr Daniel West was appointed Vice Chairman.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mrs Jan French (local authority appointee) who was attending her first meeting of the Board.

The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.

The Chairman welcomed Miss Emma Alterton and Councillor Robert Wicks who were both attending their first meeting of the Board.

Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mr Michael Kisby, former Chairman of the Board, who died on the 1st November 2018.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Paul Hayes who was attending his first meeting of the Board.

The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the

The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.

Messrs Jonathon Brown and Michael Mottram were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite Miss Emma Alterton and Mr Paul Hayes to fill the two vacancies on the Board, if willing to do so.


The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.