A rate of 25.5p in the £ was set.

Messrs Marc Heading and Robin Gowler were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

Following the resignation of Mr Stokes, the Chairman reported that Mr Timothy Boor had expressed an interest in filling this vacancy on the Board.    Members approved this appointment.



A rate of 21.0p in the £ was set.


A  rate of 21.0p in the £ was set.

It was resolved to appoint Mr Guy Wakeham to fill the vacancy on the Board and the Chairman welcomed him to his first meeting.


Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for a former Chairman of the Board, Mr John Childs MBE, who died on the 26th April 2018.

A rate of 21.0p in the £ was set.

Messrs Marc Heading and Robin Gowler were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite P J Lee Sons Ltd to nominate a representative for membership of the Board.