A rate of  11.0p in the £ was set.

The Chairman welcomed Councillors Maureen Davis and Jan French (local authority appointees) who were attending their first meeting of the Board.

Following the resignation of Mr Mason, the Chairman reported that Mrs Alison Langley had expressed an interest in filling this vacancy on the Board,   Members resolved to co-opt Mrs Langley to membership of the Board.

A rate of  10.0p in the £ was set.

Mr Clive Martin and Mr Charles Albutt were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mark Purser (local authority appointee) who was attending his first meeting of the Board.




A rate of  10.0p in the £ was set.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Charlie Marks and Fred Yeulett (local authority appointees) who were attending their first meeting of the Board.



A rate of  9.5p in the £ was set.