A rate of 26p in the £ was set.

Messrs David Caton and Andrew Roberts were re-appointed Chairman, and Vice Chairman respectively.

Mr Cedric Armstrong was re-appointed District Officer.   The Middle Level Commissioners were re-appointed as Clerk.

The Clerk reported the resignation of Mr Paul Drinkwater from the Board with immediate effect and it was resolved that no action be taken to fill this vacancy until after the election.

A rate of 13.0p in the £ was set.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Linden Croft who was attending his first meeting of the Board.

Messrs Andrew Roberts and Matthew Smith were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

Mr Jason Edwards was re-appointed District Officer.   The Middle Level Commissioners were re-appointed as Clerk.


Prior to the meeting, Members observed a minutes’ silence as a mark of respect for the Board’s Chairman, Mr Joe Lankfer, who died on the 9th May 2020.

A rate of  20p in the £ was set.

Messrs Peter Lankfer and Michael Mottram were appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite Mr Henry Lankfer to fill the vacancy on the Board, if willing to do so.



The Commissioners set a rate of 15.00p in the £.

Mr Daniel West and Miss Emma Alterton were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

A rate of 16.70p in the £ was set.

The Vice Chairman welcomed Mr Edward Jackson and Councillors Dee Laws and Kay Mayor (local authority appointees) who were attending their first meeting of the Board.

The Chairman, Mr David Stokes, had informed the Clerk of his resignation from the Board with immediate effect and it was resolved that no action be taken to appoint a Chairman until after the election.

Mr Martin Jackson was re-appointed Vice Chairman

It was resolved to invite Mr Michael Smalley to fill the vacancy on the Board, if willing to do so.


The Commissioners set a rate of 11.0p in the £.

Mr Duncan Boughton was re-appointed Chairman and Mr Guy Wakeham was appointed Vice Chairman.

Mr Michael Dale was re-appointed District Officer.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Wicks (local authority appointee) who was attending his first meeting of the Commissioners.


A rate of 20.0p in the £ was set.

Mr Mark England was re-appointed as Chairman.

It was resolved to invite Mr Rupert Waters to fill the vacancy on the Board, if willing to do so.

The following rates were set:-

Area 1 – 7.40p in the £,   Area 2 – 22.50p in the £.

Mr John Racey was re-appointed as Chairman.

The Chairman welcomed Ms Amelia Glanville, representative of Savills,  and Mr Toby Simpson who were both attending their first meeting of the Board.

A rate of  10.0p in the £ was set.

Mr Clive Martin and Mr Charles Albutt were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

The Chairman welcomed Councillor Mark Purser (local authority appointee) who was attending his first meeting of the Board.




A rate of 21.0p in the £ was set.