A rate of 70.0p was set for Area 1, 30.0p for Area 2 and 10.0p for Area 3.
Messrs Keith Wilderspin and James Dodson were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
A rate of 70.0p was set for Area 1, 30.0p for Area 2 and 10.0p for Area 3.
Messrs Keith Wilderspin and James Dodson were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
The MLC are pleased to advise that for the 2021/22 licencing year and beyond vessel owners be able to purchase an Anglian Pass from the EA, which when used in conjunction with the Middle Level licence, will allow passage onto EA (Anglian) and Conservators of the River Cam waters – see PDF below.
The Commissioners set a rate of 41.0p in the £.
Messrs John Heading and Robert Sears were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
The Finance Committee comprising Mrs A J Langley, Councillors C J Crofts and W Sutton, Messrs J E Heading, P Jolley and R M C Sears were re-appointed.
Middle Level Commissioners
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85 Whittlesey Road
Cambs PE15 0AH
Email: admin@middlelevel.gov.uk
Tel: +44(0)1354 653232
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Details are covered in the Board’s minutes. Any questions on them should be addressed to: admin@middlelevel.gov.uk
Monday to Friday:
8:30am - 4:30pm
Closed weekends and bank holidays