A rate of 3.75p in the £ was set.

Messrs Arthur and Stephen Edgley were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite Mr Luke Edgley to fill the vacancy on the Board, if willing to do so

Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for a former Board Member, Mr John Childs MBE, who died on the 26th April 2018.

A rate of 36.30p in the £ was set.

A rate of 13.0p in the £ was set.

The Middle Level Commissioners were re-appointed as Clerk and Mr Leo Butler was re-appointed District Officer.

Prior to the meeting Members undertook an inspection of the District which included visits to the drain adjacent to Tesco’s at Point 28, New Fen and Upwood Common Pumping Stations, Uggmere Court Road Harpers Drove, the dam under Chapel Road/Road to Jackson’s Bridge and the bank slip just down from Upwood Common, Points 80-81.

Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for a former Chairman of the Board, Mr John Childs MBE, who died on the 26th April 2018.

A rate of 21.0p in the £ was set.

Messrs Marc Heading and Robin Gowler were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite P J Lee Sons Ltd to nominate a representative for membership of the Board.

The Commissioners set a rate of 11.0p in the £.

Mr Duncan Boughton was re-appointed Chairman.   Mr Michael Dale was re-appointed Vice Chairman and District Officer.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Guy Wakeham who was attending his first meeting of the Commissioners.

It was resolved to appoint Mr Charles Boughton to the Commissioners.

A rate of 5.70p in the £ was set.

It was resolved to co-opt Mr John Bunning of Hutchinsons to membership of the Board, if willing to do so.

The Commissioners set a rate of 0.25p in the £.

Mr Roger Manchett was re-appointed Chairman.


A rate of 26.0p in the £ was set.

Mr Brian Burling was re-appointed Chairman.   Mr Leslie Cook was appointed Vice-Chairman.


The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.

Messrs Jonathon Brown and Michael Mottram were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite Miss Emma Alterton and Mr Paul Hayes to fill the two vacancies on the Board, if willing to do so.