Useful links
- Environment Agency
- Fenland District Council
- Huntingdonshire District Council
- Borough of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk
- East Cambridgeshire District Council
- South Cambridgeshire District Council
- Peterborough City Council
- Cambridgeshire County Council - Flood and Water
- Norfolk County County - Flood and Water Safety
- Water Resouces East
- The Great Fen
Address & Contact Details
Middle Level Commissioners
Middle Level Offices
85 Whittlesey Road
Cambs PE15 0AH
Tel: +44(0)1354 653232
In the event that you would wish to make a complaint, details on how to do so can be found here:
Complaints Procedure
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:30am - 4:30pm
Closed weekends and bank holidays
Hundred of Wisbech IDB – Meeting date: 7/11/2018
The Chairman welcomed Mr John Bunning who was attending his first meeting of the Board.
Messrs S C P Ayers and M G Day were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
Middle Level Commissioners – Meeting date: 01/11/2018
Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Commissioner, Mr John Childs MBE, who died on the 26th April 2018.
Messrs Mark Heading and Jonathan Brown were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively of the Commissioners.
News item from meeting – 28/06/2018
A rate of 26p in the £ was set.
Messrs David Caton and Andrew Roberts were re-appointed Chairman, and Vice Chairman.
Mr Cedric Armstrong was re-appointed District Officer. The Middle Level Commissioners were re-appointed as Clerk.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Sam Johnson who was attending his first meeting of the Board.
News item from meeting – 21/06/2018
A rate of 9.0p in the £ was set.
Messrs Andrew Roberts and Matthew Smith were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
Mr Jason Edwards was re-appointed District Officer. The Middle Level Commissioners were re-appointed as Clerk.
News item from meeting – 20/06/2018
A rate of 20p in the £ was set.
Messrs Joe and Peter Lankfer were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
News item from meeting -19/06/2018
The Commissioners set a rate of 15.00p in the £.
Mr Daniel West and Miss Emma Alterton were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
News item from meeting – 14/06/2018
A rate of 16.70p in the £ was set.
Messrs David Stokes and Martin Jackson were re-appointed Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.
It was agreed that the Vice Chairman approach Mr Paul Johnson with regard to filling a vacancy on the Board, if willing to do so.
News item from meeting -12/06/2018
The following rates were set:-
Area 1 – 7.40p in the £, Area 2 – 18.75p in the £.
News item from meeting – 11/06/2018
A rate of 20.0p in the £ was set.
News item from meeting – 07/06/2018
A rate of 20.0p in the £ was set.