New water point installed at MLC Office mooring in March

We are delighted to let our boaters know that we have now installed a water point at our office mooring.

Whilst our mooring remains a private mooring the section closest to our neighbour Fox Narrowboats is now available primarily for visitors to our office to use. This is where the water point is located.

If you wish to use the visitor space on our mooring, please pre-agree this by ringing Kevin Russell our Navigation Officer on 07725 134170 during working hours Monday – Friday. If Kevin is unavailable, please ring the office on 01354 653232.

A 30min water stop if there is space is fine. Please give us a call and we’ll meet you at the gate to say hello.

Our operational requirements take priority so we may need to temporarily close the space. Any use of the visitor space without being pre-agreed will be considered as unauthorised.