A rate of 5.70p in the £ was set.

It was resolved to co-opt Mr John Bunning of Hutchinsons to membership of the Board, if willing to do so.

The Commissioners set a rate of 0.25p in the £.

Mr Roger Manchett was re-appointed Chairman.


A rate of 26.0p in the £ was set.

Mr Brian Burling was re-appointed Chairman.   Mr Leslie Cook was appointed Vice-Chairman.


The following rates were set:-

Area 1 –    25.00p in the £, Area 2 – 12.25p in the £.

Messrs Jonathon Brown and Michael Mottram were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to invite Miss Emma Alterton and Mr Paul Hayes to fill the two vacancies on the Board, if willing to do so.


A rate of 26p in the £ was set.


The Commissioners set a rate of 37.0p in the £.

Mr Michael Church and Mr Gareth Wilson were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mr George West, a Commissioner of the former Ladus DDC, who died on the 18th October 2017.

A rate of 6.50p in the £ was set.

Prior to the meeting, Members stood in silence as a mark of respect for Mr Roger Martin who died on the 18th February 2018.

A rate of  24.0p in the £ was set.

Messrs Steve Calton and Leigh Marshall were re-appointed Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively.

It was resolved to co-opt Alan Martin to fill the vacancy in the membership of the Board in Electoral District No. 3 and it was reported that either Dan or Brian Burling would fill the vacancy in the membership of the Board in Electoral District No. 2.

The Commissioners set a rate of 3.50p in the £.

Messrs Roger  Jones and Geoff Hopkin were re-appointed as Chairman and Vice Chairman respectively.

Mr Tony Hopkin was re-appointed as District Officer.


We are pleased to advise that to assist developers and their agents we have added a fee checker spreadsheet to our consents page.  This is a handy aid to check what fees are likely to be due for consent applications for various byelaw related matters.