Entries by kate.pollard

BREAKING NEWS – Anglian Pass

The MLC are pleased to advise that for the 2021/22 licencing year and beyond vessel owners be able to purchase an Anglian Pass from the EA, which when used in conjunction with the Middle Level licence, will allow passage onto EA (Anglian) and Conservators of the River Cam waters – see PDF below. Anglian Pass

Sunken Boat Alert

Please be aware that there is a sunken fibreglass vessel on the Old River Nene east of March Town, which, if passable, will only be so if care is taken. This matter will not probably be attended to until the New Year as our call out staff and employees have been out working 24/7 since […]

Good Governance Guide for Internal Drainage Boards

ADA has launched a Good Governance Guide for Internal Drainage Boards (IDBs). This has been produced with the assistance of the past Middle Level Commissioners Chief Executive and is a welcome addition to the suite of support documents published by ADA. Further information on the guide can be found by following this link https://www.ada.org.uk/2018/11/ada-publishes-guide-to-good-governance-for-internal-drainage-board-members/

Well Creek Phase IV Dredging

The Commissioners propose to undertake the fourth phase of their programmed dredging of Well Creek, to commence on Sunday 7th January. Letter to affected residents – Lowside Letter to affected residents – Town Street Map showing working sides

Planning Agents Training Day

This week the Middle Level Commissioners  held its first ever, half day seminar and workshop specifically aimed at agents acting on behalf of developers, who build within and close to the fenland area. The aim of the day was to provide background and information on the workings of the Middle Level and IDBs and covered […]

Well Creek Trust – Salters Lode Landing Stage

Navigators and other waterway users should be aware the landing stage situated along Well Creek  at Salters Lode, maintained by the Well Creek Trust, has been temporarily closed for public use on the grounds of Health & Safety, pending decking and sub frame repair works. Please do not attempt to use or walk on the […]