Works Package: Ecological Appraisals
The form below is needed for the ecological screening of any ad-hoc/non-routine IDB works so would, for example, be needed before an IDB installed a culvert, re-profiled a bank, filled in a ditch etc. Only the first page needs completing by the IDB (not a lot of info needed) and the rest by the Environment Officer. The Environment Officer will then undertake the assessment and send the form back to the IDB before the work package is “signed-off” from an ecological perspective, so the IDB can see what surveys etc. will be needed. When all desk and fieldwork is complete, the form is sent back to the IDB with recommendations and “signed off” from an ecological perspective before the engineering work commences. This means the IDB and the operatives undertaking the work have full sight of the ecological constraints, mitigation and approaches required to remain compliant. The Environment Officer can be on-site prior to commencement if needed to complete a toolbox talk.
IDB Work Package Environmental Screening & Appraisal
Please contact Sofi Lloyd, Environment Officer with any questions.
01354 602965
07977 068864
To select the summary BAP document for a specific drainage board, click on Biodiversity Action Plans and then choose the specific Board.
Within the Middle Level Catchment, there are three Major National Nature Reserves at Woodwalton Fen, Monks Wood and Holme Fen as well as a number of smaller sites of more local interest.
The Commissioners have a statutory duty to further nature conservation in the performance of their functions and operate a specific conservation strategy, which forms a basis for all their river maintenance operations.
There is also a close working relationship with Natural England, in particular through the Conservation Committee, which includes representatives of the Commissioners, the Environment Agency, Natural England and the local Wildlife Trusts.
Biodiversity Targets 2015
(1,036kb – PDF)
Biodiversity Awards for Middle Level IDBs
The Middle Level IDB Partnership have been awarded two prizes in a Biodiversity Competition run by the Association of Drainage Authorities and Natural England.
The Partnership were awarded first prize in the large scale biodiversity initiative for the Otter Holts project under which 34 Otter Holts are being installed in the Middle Level system under the direction of the previous Environmental Officer, Cliff Carson. The runners-up prize was also awarded in the small scale initiative for Mr Carson’s initiative to create kingfisher nest site opportunities by creating small holes in piling and similar apparatus.
Environment Officer’s Board Reports
The link below will open a new page listing past reports.
Conservation Newsletters
The link below will open a new page listing past Conservation Newsletters.
Activity recorded in MLC otter holts
Unique views of otters and other wildlife are being recorded inside holts, (otter dens) that have been constructed by Middle Level Commissioners, (MLC). As a major initiative to benefit otters, MLC and many of the Drainage Boards that are part of the Middle Level Biodiversity Partnership have constructed 65 holts in the banks of the drains and rivers throughout their 120 miles of waterways. The holts have in-built infra red video cameras to monitor visits.
A selection of clips from these can be viewed by following this link.
Barn Owls & Water Voles
The links below will open pages about Barn Owls & Water Voles in the Middle Level area.
Non-Natives Species
The link below will open a page about Floating Pennywort in the Middle Level area.